Brad Taylor

Books in Order


Brad Taylor Books in OrderReal Name: Bradley Taylor
Place of birth: Okinawa, Japan
Resides: Charleston, South Carolina, USA
First book: One Rough Man
Previous employment: assistant professor of military science
Fun fact #1: Brad was a real-life Delta Force Commander, so he writes action and strategy with great authority.
Fun fact #2: Brad is a security consultant for a number of government agencies.

Brad Taylor Book List & Suggested Book Order

Brad Taylor Books in Order
Get a book with all the info below, plus a full biography, extra series details, page counts, star ratings, checklist, alternative titles, fun facts, etc.






Pike Logan Books in Order
One Rough ManAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
All Necessary ForceAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Enemy of MineAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Widow's StrikeAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Polaris ProtocolAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Days of RageAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
No Fortunate SonAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Insider ThreatAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Forgotten SoldierAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Ghosts of WarAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Ring of FireAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Operator DownAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Daughter of WarAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Hunter KillerAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
American TraitorAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
End of DaysAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Devil's RansomAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Dead Man's HandAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N

Pike Logan Short Stories
The CallsignAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Gut InstinctAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Black FlagAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The DigAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The RecruitAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The TargetAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The InfiltratorAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The RuinsAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Exit FeeAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Honeymoon HeistAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Pike Logan Books & Short Stories
The TargetAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
One Rough ManAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
All Necessary ForceAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The CallsignAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Enemy of MineAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Gut InstinctAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Widow's StrikeAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Black FlagAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Polaris ProtocolAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The DigAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Days of RageAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
No Fortunate SonAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The RecruitAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Insider ThreatAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Forgotten SoldierAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Ghosts of WarAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Ring of FireAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The InfiltratorAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Operator DownAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The RuinsAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Daughter of WarAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Exit FeeAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Hunter KillerAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
American TraitorAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
End of DaysAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Devil's RansomAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Honeymoon HeistAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Dead Man's HandAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N

Brad Taylor Interview

Brad talks about how he plans his books, how his process differs to that of other writers, and where he finds his inspiration to be able to pen so many books.

Brad Taylor Biography

Brad was born in Okinawa, which is an island 400 miles south of the southern tip of Honshu, the largest island that makes up the island group that is Japan. The island is only 70 miles long and seven miles wide and yet it is famous – it’s the birthplace of karate. The date of Brad’s birth is unknown. So is the month. Even the year is a mystery.

While he was born in Japan, he grew up in the USA. Brad’s family lived in a rural location, leaving Brad with a massive 40-acre playground. The family home was in Texas, which is the second largest state in the United States of America.

Brad always enjoyed reading, even as a kid. Though he liked to mix up his genres and not stick to only one type of story, his favorite author was Richard Adams who wrote Watership Down, which most people think of as the animated movie. Other authors he enjoyed reading in later years were Robert Heinlein, Ray Bradbury, and Stephen King.

We next catch up with Brad when he’s finished high school and is looking to further his education. To do that, he enrolled at the University of Texas, which is an institution in Austin, Texas, a city with a population of around one million people (double that if you look at the metro area). The university is one of the most prestigious in the south so has a massive student body of around 51,000 students. Brad graduated from university and was commissioned as a…

To continue reading, get the full 1000-word biography in Brad Taylor Books In Order.

If you love Brad Taylor’s books you need the most comprehensive book list available, which includes a check list, alternative titles, page counts, movie adaptations, co-authors, star ratings, and a host of other features, plus:

  • Pike Logan series in order
  • Pike Logan short stories in order

Get Brad Taylor Books In Order.

Why Read the Brad Taylor Pike Logan Series in Order?

Unlike most other writers, author Brad focuses all his energy on one writing project and one only - no nonfiction, no short story collections, no standalone novels, Brad concentrates all his efforts on adventures to fill his Pike Logan book series.

Brad's military background means he can infuse his action with the authority that only comes from genuine experience. It's no surprise then that the Pike Logan novels are so beloved by thriller fans everywhere.

This Brad Taylor book list gives all the Brad Taylor books in chronological order, so lets you see the characters develop and witness events at the correct time, just as Brad intended.

So, if ever you've the Brad Taylor book order, now's your chance.

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