Clive Cussler

Books in Order


Clive Cussler Books in OrderName: Clive Eric Cussler
Born: 15 July, 1931
Place of birth: Aurora, Illinois, USA
Resides: USA
First book: The Mediterranean Caper
Previous employment: aircraft mechanic
Fun fact #1: Clive founded NUMA (the National Underwater and Marine Agency), which has gone on to discover over 60 shipwrecks of historical significance.
Fun fact #2: Clive served in the US Air Force during the Korean War.

Clive Cussler Book List & Suggested Book Order

Clive Cussler Books in Order
Get a book with all the info below, plus a full biography, extra series details, page counts, star ratings, checklist, alternative titles, fun facts, etc.


Amazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Dirk Pitt Books in Order (Publication Date Order)
The Mediterranean Caper*Amazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
IcebergAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Raise the Titanic!Amazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Vixen 03Amazon USUKCAAU


KoboB & N
Night Probe!Amazon USUKCAAU


KoboB & N
Pacific Vortex!Amazon USUKCAAU


KoboB & N
Deep SixAmazon USUKCAAU


KoboB & N
CyclopsAmazon USUKCAAU


KoboB & N
TreasureAmazon USUKCAAU


KoboB & N
DragonAmazon USUKCAAU


KoboB & N
SaharaAmazon USUKCAAU


KoboB & N
Inca GoldAmazon USUKCAAU


KoboB & N
Shock WaveAmazon USUKCA




B & N
Flood TideAmazon USUKCA




B & N
Atlantis FoundAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Valhalla RisingAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Trojan OdysseyAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Black WindAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Treasure of KhanAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Arctic DriftAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Crescent DawnAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Poseidon's ArrowAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Havana StormAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Odessa SeaAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Celtic EmpireAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Devil's SeaAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Corsican ShadowAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N

NUMA Files Books in Order
SerpentAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Blue GoldAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Fire IceAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
White DeathAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Lost CityAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Polar ShiftAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The NavigatorAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
MedusaAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Devil's GateAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The StormAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Zero HourAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Ghost ShipAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Pharaoh's SecretAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
NighthawkAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Rising SeaAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Sea of GreedAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Journey of the PharaohsAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Fast IceAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Condor's FuryAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Desolation CodeAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Oregon Files Books in Order
Golden BuddhaAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Sacred StoneAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Dark WatchAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Skeleton CoastAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Plague ShipAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
CorsairAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Silent SeaAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The JungleAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
MirageAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
PiranhaAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Emperor's RevengeAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Typhoon FuryAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Shadow TyrantsAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Final OptionAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
MarauderAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Hellburner Amazon USUKCAAUiBooks


B & N
Fire StrikeAmazon USUKCAAUiBooks


B & N
Ghost SoldierAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Isaac Bell Books in Order
The ChaseAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The WreckerAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The SpyAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The RaceAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The ThiefAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The StrikerAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The BootleggerAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The AssassinAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The GangsterAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The CutthroatAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Titanic SecretAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The SaboteursAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The HeistAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Fargo Adventures Books in Order
Spartan GoldAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Lost EmpireAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The KingdomAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The TombsAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Mayan SecretsAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Eye of HeavenAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Solomon CurseAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
PirateAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Romanov RansomAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Gray GhostAmazon USUKCAAUiBooks


B & N
The OracleAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Wrath of PoseidonAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Serpent's EyeAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Children's Books in Order
The Adventures of Vin FizAmazon USUKCAAUiBooks


B & N
The Adventures of Hotsy TotsyAmazon USUKCAAU



B & N
Sea Hunter Books in Order
The Sea HuntersAmazon USUKCAAU



B & N
The Sea Hunters IIAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Nonfiction Books
Clive Cussler and Dirk Pitt RevealedAmazon USUKCAAU



B & N
Adventures of a Sea Hunter*Amazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Silent KillersAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Built for AdventureAmazon USUKCAAU



B & N
*This book has different titles. Full details

Clive Cussler Biography

Clive Eric Cussler was born on the 15th of July in 1931, which was a Wednesday. For those readers interested in all things astrological, that makes him a Cancerian, which is one of the Water signs.

Clive came into the world in the city of Aurora, which has a population of around 200,000 people and is situated in Illinois, a state in the United States of America (think of the Great Lakes and think of the long one in the middle that droops down - the bottom tip of that touches the top right corner of Illinois). Born to mother Amy Adeline, who was a homemaker and father Eric Edward, an accountant born in Germany, Clive moved from Aurora at an early age and grew up in Alhambra, California.

When he was 14 years old and in the Boy Scouts, he was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout. He spent two years studying at Pasadena City College before enlisting in the United States Air Force so he could play his bit in the Korean War, which lasted from the 25th of June 1950 to the 27th of July 1953. During his period of service, he worked as an aircraft mechanic and flight engineer, and was promoted to...

To continue reading, get the full 1000-word biography in Clive Cussler Books in Order.

If you love Clive Cussler’s books you need the most comprehensive book list available, which includes a check list, alternative titles, page counts, movie adaptations, co-authors, star ratings, and a host of other features, plus:

  • Dirk Pitt series in order
  • NUMA Files books in order
  • Fargo Adventures in order
  • Isaac Bell books in order
  • Oregon Files books in order
  • Sea Hunter, Children's books... everything
  • a complete list of nonfiction

Get Clive Cussler Books in Order.

Clive Cussler Interview

Clive talks about the organization which inspires his NUMA series, how he undertakes research, and his passion of cars. He comments on an invitation he received to dive the Titanic which sank in 1912. Did he accept? Watch and discover for yourself.

Why Read the Clive Cussler Dirk Pitt Books in Order or Fargo Adventures in Order?

Clive Cussler, the octogenarian author from the USA, has been writing books for decades, both drawing on his passions - undersea exploration - and his military experience - he served during the Korean War. So, whether it's the Dirk Pitt series, Isaac Bell series, Kurt Austin series, or the Sam and Remi Fargo books, you know you're in for a serious, heavy-weight adventure. Are they any good? Clive has had sixteen consecutive New York Times bestsellers!

This Clive Cussler book list  gives all the Clive Cussler books in chronological order, so you see the characters develop and witness events at the correct time, just as Clive intended.

So, if ever you've wondered about the Clive Cussler book order or the Dirk Pitt reading order, here they are.

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