Craig Johnson

Books in Order


Craig Johnson Books in OrderName: Craig Allen Johnson
Born: 16 January, 1961
Place of birth: Huntington, West Virginia, USA
Resides: Ucross, Wyoming, USA
First book published: The Cold Dish
Fun fact #1: held in Buffalo, Wyoming, Longmire Days is an annual festival that celebrates the success of the books.
Fun fact #2: Craig played drums in a high school rock band.
Awards (not an exhaustive list):

  • The Dilys Award.
  • The Western Writers of America Spur Award.
  • Library Journal's Mystery Novel of the Year.

Craig Johnson Book List & Suggested Book Order

Craig Johnson Books in Order
Get a book with all the info below, plus a full biography, extra series details, page counts, star ratings, checklist, alternative titles, fun facts, etc.


Amazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Walt Longmire Books & Short Stories in Order
The Cold DishAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Death Without CompanyAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Kindness Goes UnpunishedAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Another Man's MoccasinsAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Dark HorseAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Junkyard DogsAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Hell is EmptyAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Divorce HorseAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
As the Crow FliesAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Christmas in Absaroka CountyAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
MessengerAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
A Serpent's ToothAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Spirit of SteamboatAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Any Other NameAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Wait for SignsAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Dry BonesAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The HighwaymanAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
An Obvious FactAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Western StarAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Depth of WinterAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Land of WolvesAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Next to Last StandAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Daughter of the Morning StarAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Hell and BackAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Longmire DefenseAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
First FrostAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N

Walt Longmire Short Stories in Order
Divorce HorseAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Christmas in Absaroka CountyAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
MessengerAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Spirit of SteamboatAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Wait for SignsAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The HighwaymanAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Tooth and ClawAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Short Works
UnbalancedAmazon USUKCA


iBooksKoboB & N
Supporting CharactersAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Nonfiction Books
Mystery: A Dark and Stormy NightAmazon US







Longmire: From Book to ScreenAmazon US







Craig Johnson Biography

Craig Johnson was born on the 16th of January in 1961, which was a Monday. For those readers interested in all things astrological, that makes him a Capricorn, which is one of the Earth signs.

Craig was raised in a rural area, away from the loud, smog-belching traffic and the loud, misery-fueled people, the things that clog up most cities. He spent much of his childhood making his own fun outdoors and loved roaming the wide open spaces, breathing in the clean air, and learning about nature and the other cultures that had lived there over the generations before he did.

On an evening, instead of sitting glued to the TV, watching some inane reality show crammed with wannabes that would do anything for a buck, he'd sit out on the porch with his family and talk. ("Talk? To people?" Yeah, it's a quaint old tradition that was started about 100,000 years ago, but is dying out now. Well, who needs it when you can text or tweet?)

That love of the outdoors and the appreciation of nature and cultures dug deep into Craig so that when in adulthood he chose to put pen to paper, he couldn't help but create a story world full of wide open space and people with deep cultural heritages…

To continue reading, get the full 1000-word biography in Craig Johnson Books in Order.

If you love Craig Johnson’s books you need the most comprehensive book list available, which includes a check list, alternative titles, page counts, movie adaptations, co-authors, star ratings, and a host of other features, plus:

  • Walt Longmire series in order
  • Walt Longmire short stories in order
  • a complete list of short stories, standalone novels & nonfiction

Get Craig Johnson Books in Order.

Craig Johnson Interview

Craig reveals secrets about his Walt Longmire series, talks about westerns, where his books are set, where he actually lives, how he creates his characters, and comments on Native American humour of all things.

Why Read the Craig Johnson Walt Longmire Books in Order?

Born in Huntington, West Virginia, USA, author Craig Johnson penned the highly successful and praised Walt Longmire series of books, which proved so successful that it was turned into a TV show and first broadcast in 2012. With heavy neo-western overtones, the show spanned six seasons, the last of which being in 2017. The books have earned Craig awards and nominations from numerous prestigious societies.

This Craig Johnson book list not only gives all the Craig Johnson books in chronological order, but lets you see the characters develop and witness events at the correct time, just as Craig intended.

So, if ever you've wondered about the Longmire book order, here it is.

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