Zoë Sharp

Books in Order


Zoe Sharp Books in OrderName: Zoë Sharp
Born: 3rd May, 1966
Place of birth: Nottinghamshire, England
Resides: the Lake District, England
First book: Killer Instinct
Previous employment: photo-journalism
Fun fact #1: at twelve-years-old, Zoë left school and completed her education through correspondence courses.
Fun fact #2: The character Charlie Fox, Zoë’s hard as nails hero, was inspired by the death-threats Zoë received.

Zoë Sharp Book List & Suggested Book Order

Charlie Fox Books in Order
Killer InstinctAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Riot ActAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Hard KnocksAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
First DropAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Road KillAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Second ShotAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Third StrikeAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Fourth DayAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Fifth VictimAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Die EasyAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Absence of LightAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Fox HunterAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Bad Turn Amazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N

Charlie Fox Short Stories
Across the Broken LineAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
A Bridge Too FarAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Off DutyAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Postcards From Another CountryAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Served ColdAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Truth and LiesAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Trial Under FireAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Standalone Novels
The Blood WhispererAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Lakes Books in Order
Dancing On The GraveAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Bones in the RiverAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Blake and Byron Books in Order
The Last Time She DiedAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Girl in the DarkAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Short Works
The Night ButterfliesAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Last RightAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Tell MeAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Particular Talents of Lenny BrightAmazon USUKCAAU



B & N
Lost and FoundAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Rules of EngagementAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
EarwormsAmazon USUKCA


iBooksKoboB & N
An Italian JobAmazon USUKCAAU




Nonfiction Books
Thrillers: 100 Must-ReadsAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N

Zoë Sharp Interview

Author of the Charlie Fox crime series, Zoe Sharp talks about how she came up with the idea for Charlie and how much of herself is in Charlie. She then goes on to talk about the characters of both Charlie and Kelly.

Why Read the Zoë Sharp Books in Order?

Born in Notthingshire, England, a place steeped in the legends of Robin Hood and his Merry Men, Zoë now lives in the picturesque Lake District, which as its name suggests, is a hilly region littered with bodies of water. She only has one series, but it's got a real kick-ass hero - in the Charlie Fox books, Charlie is a Special Forces soldier turned bodyguard. Zoë's first book is so highly thought of, it even has a foreword by Lee Child no less.

This Zoe Sharp book list not only gives all the Zoe Sharp books in chronological order, but will let you see the characters develop and witness events at the correct time, just as Zoë intended.

So, if you love a good thriller series and so are chasing the Zoe Sharp book order, or hoping for a list of the Charlie Fox series in order, you need the most comprehensive book list available, which includes a check list, alternative titles, page counts, movie adaptations, co-authors, star ratings, and a host of other features, plus:

  • Charlie Fox series in order
  • Charlie Fox short stories in order
  • a complete list of short stories, standalone novels & nonfiction

Get Zoe Sharp Books In Order.

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