William Kent Krueger

Books in Order


William Kent Krueger Books in OrderName: William Kent Krueger
Born: 16 November, 1950
Place of birth: Torrington, Wyoming, USA
Resides: St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
First book: Iron Lake
Previous employment: lumberjack
Fun fact #1: William was forty years old before he finished his first novel.
Fun fact #2: He likes getting up to start writing at dawn, a work practice he borrowed from Earnest Hemingway.
Awards (not an exhaustive list):

  • Anthony Award
  • Barry Award
  • Loft-McKnight Fiction Award

William Kent Krueger Book List & Suggested Book Order

William Kent Krueger Books in Order
Get a book with all the info below, plus a full biography, extra series details, page counts, star ratings, checklist, alternative titles, fun facts, etc.






Cork O'Connor Books in Order
Iron LakeAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Boundary WatersAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Purgatory RidgeAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Blood HollowAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Mercy FallsAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Copper RiverAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Thunder BayAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Red KnifeAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Heaven's KeepAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Vermillion DriftAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Northwest AngleAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Trickster's PointAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Tamarack CountyAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Windigo IslandAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Manitou CanyonAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Sulfur SpringsAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Desolation MountainAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Lightning StrikeAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Fox CreekAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Spirit CrossingAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N

Standalone Novels
The Devil's BedAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Ordinary GraceAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
This Tender LandAmazon USUKCAAU




The River We RememberAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Short Works
BumsAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Far Side of the RiverAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Remembrance and Regrets Amazon USUKCAAUiBooks


B & N
The Painted SmileAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
The Nature of the BeastAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
SettingAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N
Nonfiction Books
Writing MurderAmazon USUKCAAU



B & N
The World of Cork O'ConnorAmazon USUKCAAUiBooksKoboB & N

William Kent Krueger Interview

Ordinary Grace and Cork O'Connor series author, William Kent Krueger talks about his early life, which involved a lot of moving around the country, and how this has helped him create his locations and characters.

William Kent Krueger Biography

William Kent Krueger was born on the 16th of November in 1950, which was a Thursday. For those readers interested in all things astrological, that makes him a Scorpio, which is one of the Water signs.

William was born in Torrington, a small town of only around 6,500 residents located in Wyoming, which is a state in the United States of America. William has three siblings, one younger and two older. His early years were unsettled because his parents were quite poor and struggled to pay the rent on time. This meant they moved frequently. Not just house, but city, even state. By the time he graduated from high school, the family had moved 10 times, William having lived in eight cities across six states. Of all this time, he thinks back most fondly to Hood River, Oregon, which is over 1,100 miles from his birthplace of Torrington and has a population of around 7,100, so is just a tad bigger.

Despite all the moving around the country, William obviously did well at school because when it came to furthering his education, he earned a scholarship to attend the prestigious Stanford University, which is located in Silicon Valley in California and has a student body of around 16,000. It was while in his late teens that William decided he was going to…

To continue reading, get the full 1000-word biography in William Kent Krueger Books In Order.

If you love William Kent Krueger’s books you need the most comprehensive book list available, which includes a check list, alternative titles, page counts, movie adaptations, co-authors, star ratings, and a host of other features, plus:

  • Cork O’Connor series in order
  • a complete list of short stories & standalone novels
  • a complete list of nonfiction

Get William Kent Krueger Books In Order

Why Read the William Kent Krueger Cork O'Connor Series in Order?

Author of Ordinary Grace, William Kent Krueger came to writing late in life at the age of 40, but not too late! His Cork O'Connor mysteries series has a loyal following of fans who are always eager to see more of the ex-sheriff investigating another mystery in the north woods of Minnesota and catching the bad guy. William's novels are so popular that many have been New York Times best sellers.

This William Kent Krueger book list not only gives all the William Kent Krueger books in chronological order, but will let you see the characters develop and witness events at the correct time, just as William intended.

So, if you've ever wondered about the William Kent Krueger book order, or wanted a list of the Cork O'Connor series order, here's everything you could ever hope for.

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